ABFT Supervision

General Information

ABFT International offers individual and group case consultation meetings for therapists looking to implement ABFT more effectively with clients. During supervision, therapists learn how to conceptualize from an ABFT framework so that they can utilize ABFT with a variety of different clients, presenting problems, and difficult situations. Through presenting 5-10 minute videos of sessions, therapists receive detailed feedback on the moment-by-moment decisions that occur in therapy. Additionally, the brief videos help therapists hone their ABFT specific skills. ABFT Supervisors also help therapists identify and work through person-of-the-therapist issues that arise when doing this interpersonal, emotionally deep work. ABFT International is both HIPAA and GDPR compliant.

Interested in participating in ABFT Supervision?

Complete this survey to indicate your interest and availability.
We are regularly forming new groups. We will be in touch with more information about scheduling and cost.

Group Supervision

Supervision takes place online via a secure web-conferencing system with a Certified ABFT Supervisor. Groups typically meet fortnightly for 60 minutes at a regular meeting time and have a limit of 5 people per group. Groups commit to meeting for a round of 10 supervision sessions (with a bonus makeup session at the end of the cycle). Cost is dependent on the number of people in the supervision group. Participants are expected to discuss their current cases in which they are applying ABFT. When participants present a case, they are required to send a short case write-up using a provided template. In addition, they are expected to present 5-10 minute recordings of their therapy sessions (when possible). For agencies training multiple clinicians in ABFT, we can arrange a private group for just their staff.

Individual Supervision

Individual supervision can be arranged for 30 minutes or 60 minutes on an as-needed basis per supervisor availability. Individual supervision also takes place online via a secure web-conferencing system with a Certified ABFT Supervisor.

Eligibility for Supervision

In order to participate in supervision, therapists must have completed the full Level 1 ABFT Introductory Workshop.
Therapists in the U.S. need to have at least a master’s degree in social work, mental health counseling, clinical or counseling psychology, or couple’s and family therapy. If therapists are not licensed and/or are graduate students, they need to be employed somewhere where they are receiving supervision. Internationally, therapists need to have local certification or licensure allowing them to practice therapy. ABFT Supervisors do not take on legal responsibility for cases.

Level II Training

Participation in ABFT Supervision is a component of ABFT Level II Training. Supervision participants are eligible to attend the ABFT Advanced Workshop and to be listed in the ABFT Therapist Directory. For those working towards certification as an ABFT Therapist, please review the full Level II requirements here.